#truManchester: Day 2!

After 2 days of busy networking and absorbing information, The Twintettes are now back in London and bursting with ideas, excited to start taking the social media world head on!

The following are a string of posts themed on some of the main discussion points we encountered at truManchester – as a small disclosure, all opinions expressed are out own interpretation of conversations, if we got the wrong end of the stick at any point we apologise!

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our mentors, Bill Boorman and Jack Barton for making this ‘field trip’ possible – a big thanks guys!

#truManchester: Day 1!

So, day 1 down and what have we learnt? Answer: videos are the way forward, Gen Y confuses everyone and savvy recruiters laugh in the face of Facebook privacy settings…

Full update and videos to come!

Hello and Welcome!

The Twintettes

We’ve been working on the launch of a social media campaign for a London based firm, creating their presence on Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Linked In and blogs! It’s been a month and a half so far, and we can tell how much we’ve learnt- we’ve now started our own blog!

In this we plan to chat about our interning experiences, interesting industry news and general antics that happen along the way. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep it interesting with some of the fun stuff that we’ve been up to — starting with our exciting trip to #truManchester